MUTCD-compliant, pedestrian-activated warning beacon for uncontrolled marked crosswalks
- The R920-E is the benchmark for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs)
- Ultra-effi cient optics and Energy Management System (EMS)
- Compact design to simplify installation
- Proven technology platform
- Meets and exceeds MUTCD requirements, including IA-21
RRFBs have been found to provide vehicle yielding rates between 72 and 96 percent for crosswalk applications, including 4 lane roadways with average daily traffi c (ADT) exceeding 12,000*.
Superior Design and Technology
The R920-E utilizes a self-contained solar engine integrating the Energy Management System (EMS) with an on-board user interface, housed in a compact enclosure together with the batteries and solar panel. MUTCD interim approval IA-21 fl ash pattern and multiple confi gurations enable the R920-E to handle all crosswalk applications.
Easy Installation
With its highly effi cient and compact design, installation is quick and uncomplicated, dramatically reducing installation costs. Retrofi tting can be done where existing sign bases are used to enhance existing marked crosswalks in minutes, and new installations can be completed without the cost of larger poles, new bases, and trenching.
Advanced User-Interface
The R920-E comes with an on-board user interface for quick
confi guration and status monitoring. It allows for simple in-the-fi eld adjustment of fl ash pattern, duration, intensity, ambient auto adjust, night dimming, and many more. Settings are automatically sent wirelessly to all units in the system.
Designed with Carmanah’s industry-leading solar modeling tools to provide dependable year-after-year operation.
With thousands of installations, Carmanah’s beacons are the benchmark in traffi c applications and other transportation applications worldwide.