The Actelis Networks® ML698 expands our central office solutions, offering a compact and cost-effective Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM) mini-aggregation solution for low-pair count locations. The ML698 operates in a Point-to-Multipoint topology, connecting to up four ML600 Ethernet Access Devices (EADs) delivering symmetrical Ethernet access services to remote subscribers over multiple voice-grade copper pairs. Each of the ML600 EADs can be connected to the ML698 via a High Speed Link (HSL) comprised of 1-8 bonded copper pairs. Any combination of copper pairs per HSL can be supported to a total of 8 pairs per ML698 unit.
The ML698 bonds up to 8 copper pairs together to create a 2Base-TL aggregated link, implementing the standard IEEE 802.3ah- 2004 (EFM) long-reach Ethernet-over-Copper specification.
Powered by Actelis Networks’ award-winning EFMplus™ technology, the rate, reach and reliability are increased significantly using advanced Dynamic Spectrum Management (DSM) and Dynamic Rate Boost (DRB) techniques. This technology doubles the rate/reach in real-world field deployments. Combined with Actelis industry-leading XR239 EFM repeaters, the reach can be extended even further.
Interoperable with any standard Ethernet switch or router and aligned with Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) recommendations, the ML698 allows service providers and enterprises to use existing copper infrastructure to deliver up to 100 Mbps Ethernet service per customer in G.SHDSL.bis technologies. The ML698 is equipped with 4 10/100Base-T Ethernet interfaces and an optional 100/1000Base-FX Small Form Factor (SFP). The SFP ports can accept any standard 100Base-FX, 1000Base- FX, 1000Base-T and T3/E3 modules, providing redundant aggregation uplinks to Ethernet and SONET/SDH networks.
The ML698 mini-aggregator provides 802.1q VLAN-aware wire-speed bridging, double tagging (VLAN stacking) for end-user VLAN transparency, L2 (Ethernet priority), L3 (ToS/Diff-Serv) classification with four traffic classes, RSTP/STP, link aggregation, bandwidth monitoring, multicast/broadcast limiting, and IGMP snooping for video distribution applications. The ML698 supports full Intra-switching between the HSLs connected to it.
Advanced loop diagnostics capabilities are integrated as part of the ML698, including a Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR), enabling an effective troubleshooting tool to locate most DSL-affecting copper problems. The information gathered includes accurate end-to-end loop length measurement, as well as identification of various fault types impacting signal continuity between loop spans.
The ML698 provides proactive and dynamic tools for enhanced trouble shooting and monitoring capabilities. Advanced Carrier-class EFM OAM, including 802.3ah, CFM (802.1ag) and Y.1731 (ITU), are incorporated, offering both physical link as well as service level end-to-end advanced troubleshooting mechanisms.
The ML698 can be managed In- and Out-of-Band by the MetaASSIST™ View graphical craft application and via the multi-platform Element Management System, MetaASSIST EMS. The management protocols include standard TL1 Command Line Interface (CLI), Cisco like CLI and SNMP using standard MIBs for seamless integration with third-party Network Management Systems (NMS).
Download Datasheet for Actelis DS ML698 EAD